Dear Friend, Today, schools across India celebrate Teachers’ Day. Indian school teachers receive handmade greeting cards and freshly picked flowers from their genuinely loving students. In many schools, senior children play the role of teachers for a day, often imitating their teachers and sometimes outdoing them. They teach their junior friends in primary school. Online socialites shower teachers with endearing messages of gratitude, affection, and respect, trending #HappyTeachersDay throughout the day. Today, we fondly remember our past teachers and generously applaud the present ones. Education Companies and NGOs organize online contests for school teachers on teachers and teaching, offering cash prizes, goody hampers, and gift vouchers. It is a day when India sets aside its existing grouses against the school teacher fraternity and glorifies them. Today, unlike other days, even the most vehement critic of Indian school teachers might write a few feel-good lines about this eternally 'noble' profession you are engaged in. It is in this context we called you a meek dictator; not because we are arrogantly disrespectful, but because we deeply care.
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Dear Meek Dictators, we wish you a happy…
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Dear Friend, Today, schools across India celebrate Teachers’ Day. Indian school teachers receive handmade greeting cards and freshly picked flowers from their genuinely loving students. In many schools, senior children play the role of teachers for a day, often imitating their teachers and sometimes outdoing them. They teach their junior friends in primary school. Online socialites shower teachers with endearing messages of gratitude, affection, and respect, trending #HappyTeachersDay throughout the day. Today, we fondly remember our past teachers and generously applaud the present ones. Education Companies and NGOs organize online contests for school teachers on teachers and teaching, offering cash prizes, goody hampers, and gift vouchers. It is a day when India sets aside its existing grouses against the school teacher fraternity and glorifies them. Today, unlike other days, even the most vehement critic of Indian school teachers might write a few feel-good lines about this eternally 'noble' profession you are engaged in. It is in this context we called you a meek dictator; not because we are arrogantly disrespectful, but because we deeply care.